Why do you need Couple Therapy?

Why do you need Couple Therapy

Having trouble in a relationship or marriage? You’re not alone.

It’s not easy being in a relationship as it is not a cakewalk but a bittersweet trip. At times the path may look simple, while at others, it may appear challenging. Some couples may overcome the challenging parts of relationships. Some people just aren’t cut out for overcoming adversity. Taking the bold step of attending “Parterapi Frederiksberg” is a bold step. Couples that are experiencing difficulties might consider participating in Parterapi.


The treatment at “Parterapi Frederiksberg” might make it easier to go through difficult situations without letting go of love, compassion, and trust (the basic foundations of a relationship).


Help and intervention at the right time may save a deteriorating relationship and pave the way to reconciliation or an amicable breakup (whatever seems to be the best option for the situation). We use extra caution while working with young couples to assist you and your spouse get through any challenge.


When disputes become routine, talks grow heated regularly, and gratitude is replaced with angry remarks, it may be painful and make a partnership seem pointless. In general, the difficulty of a marital or relationship crisis varies in severity from partner to couple. With kids, the scenario becomes more painful and disturbing emotionally and psychologically.


The following are common causes of relationship difficulties:

  • Finances
  • Physical Closeness and Sexual Activity
  • There is a lack of common purpose in everyone’s lives.
  • Disconnection due to a breakdown in communication or a misunderstanding
  • Interactions among large families (siblings, in-laws, children from previous marriages etc.)
  • Changes in parenting status due to events like having a child, losing a parent, losing a job, moving, becoming sick, etc.


When partners have different perspectives on how best to communicate, the relationship might seem more work than it’s worth. If they don’t speak the same love language, there’s a good chance that tensions will build and eventually escalate to resentment, anger, and even physical separation. The assistance of a trained therapist may help you get through this problem.