Is there anything more overwhelming than shopping for a dress? Many brides find dozens of dresses they love and struggle for months to narrow the gown down to a single choice. One way to winnow down your options is to focus on remaining fashion-forward. If you’re a dedicated trend follower, […]
Wedding Planning and Budgeting
How Your Wedding Budget Can Affect Your Plans We’ve all heard that we shouldn’t discuss politics, religion, or money in polite company. But weddings make for strange etiquette outcomes, and if you want to properly plan your wedding, you can’t avoid a budget discussion. This talk doesn’t have to be […]
Wedding Invitations: Your Ultimate Guide in 2021
If you’ve been trolling Pinterest lately, you know that wedding invitations are big business and that the right invitation sets the perfect tone for your special day. If you’re like most brides, though, you probably didn’t give much thought to your invitations until you got engaged. That doesn’t mean you […]
Wedding Trends: The Latest and Greatest
Trends are inevitably the source of thousands of eye-rolls and millions of embarrassing pictures. But trends also unite a generation, make it easier to choose wedding styles, and give a clear aesthetic to your wedding day photos. This season’s wedding trends are clean, crisp, and distinctly feminine. Vintage Wedding Themes […]